bruno from fire emblem heroes

you saved me long ago

Jason "Sen" Vals // 28 // Bi // Nonbinary (any pronouns)

About Me

honestly i made an about section forgetting that i already put the most important info on that first section. i'm not getting rid of this tho i'm determined to figure out what to put here
OH i could link to my girlfriend pastel's twitter (we've been dating since march 2019!) and my qpp/best friend vince's twitter. they're both rly talented artists, check them out
and i guess i could mention that i'm a writer, if the ao3 link on the first section didn't give that away (i have a fic writing tumblr here, it's mostly just me talking abt writing tho)
i'm Very Mentally Ill! not getting into specifics here (tho u can probably guess some of it from my username) but sometimes i talk about it
i also have a discord if anyone wants to talk to me (i love making friends...), and that's blueberrykiwi. mutuals only tho


i have a lot of interests but usually you'll only see a few on here at a time so these r just the ones ur most likely to see now (note that i don't always keep this up to date so)

  • fire emblem

  • xenoblade chronicles (i've played 1 and 3. i keep meaning to get back to xbc2 but haven't yet. i've watched the cutscenes tho)

  • persona

  • sonic the hedgehog

  • trigun

  • kingdom hearts

  • tales of berseria/tales of zestiria

also i am very very very attached to alfonse and bruno from fire emblem heroes, like they're my fav characters from anything ever (i know, unsurprising that bpdalfonse's fav fire emblem character is alfonse). i only mention this because if you don't like them you might not want to follow me since i talk about them a lot, and i wouldn't want to follow someone who posts about hating them a lot
i have no issues w/ other fans of them following me, and no issues w/ someone who's kin w/ either of them following me (tho u gotta be comfortable w/ seeing me gush over them)

Before You Follow

this isn't a dnfi, it's just stuff to keep in mind when considering following me or when interacting with me
sorry it's so long also i just need to be really clear about some of this stuff, it's all built on past experiences

  • i'm rly unlikely to follow back someone under 18. even if i do we're not likely to become anything beyond like acquaintances bc i'm an adult. people under 18 can still follow me, i try to maintain a sfw presence here, but yeah

  • remember to softblock when breaking a mutual. like u don't need to tell me ur softblocking or anything but don't just unfollow me then leave me to realize months later "oh shit that mutual unfollowed me"

  • i will block for joking about wanting to kill/harm me or insulting me as a joke if we aren't already friends. it's not funny if we don't know each other

  • if we aren't friends, please don't come to me to vent. ESPECIALLY without asking me if i'm okay with that first

  • i tend not to like it when strangers use traditionally gendered terms/titles for me, pronouns aside. if it's unavoidable though for whatever reason i'd prefer "masculine" terminology

  • as far as my pronouns go, i kind of like when people switch it up and not stick to the same pronouns all the time. like, if you call me he in one conversation, then call me she or they in the next. but i'm not gonna be like "hey you HAVE to do this/you HAVE to keep track of this" idc That much.

  • i will side-eye you if you only ever use she/her for me tho because imo it is pretty indicative of how you see me and i do consider that misgendering me

  • gender is complex, i'm not getting into the intricacies of my gender here but i resent when people try to tell me i'm "basically a girl" or "basically a boy" or group me in fully w/ either category so. don't do that. i am trans masc and i call myself a guy or mlm a lot but there's more to it than that and other people don't usually Get It


i love these people a lot. except dom who is my enemy

Other Twitter Accounts

you know. alts. i have a bunch so these are only the "important" ones

  • nsfw twitter. also 18+ but this time because it is nsfw. it's locked so i can and do enforce that. it's... also somewhat exclusive, but that's a blanket statement for all my locked alts tbh

  • quiet account. not a vent, not a nsfw account. basically any mutuals can request it. i just go there when i want a quieter tl, or sometimes to post links that i just don't want on main bc i don't want them getting out (mostly whiteboard links)

  • shitpostcity1, account run w/ a couple friends of mine that's mostly just ridiculous bullshit from our group chats

  • "professional" twitter. used to be my account for writing-related stuff. i guess i'd still use it for that when i do original writing again. for now, though, this is mostly used for stream-related stuff (you should definitely follow this account)

Secret Section

if you found this uhhh nice i guess? unless i linked it to you in which case HA you're not cool you're a loser /j
i figured i should store a list of my discord servers somewhere, at least the more public ones, but i didn't want it like... public-facing. so secret carrd section it is

  • fanfic writers discord. it's. it's for fanfic writers! yeah. 16+ only

  • oc server. these are really self-explanatory

  • the senver. THIS ONE ISN'T, THO! this one is my streamer server, mostly for announcements about my streams, etc. generally better for keeping track of when i stream than my stream twitter since i tend to make a lot of last minute plans i don't announce until i'm live

  • the space in between. multifandom rp server, kind of casual. everyone's brought to this weird floating island between worlds and tasked with helping to regulate it by taking care of it

  • i thought i had more public servers but i'm blanking hard rn. i'll come back to this later

  • also not linking it but i have a little server for my friends/mutuals. feel free to ask to join if you want